I often want to walk away from the hard things. I spent the last year saying I don't have the energy for that and I retreat to my bubble of comfort. Let me correct this: I can do the hard thingsI do have the energy to be who I am created to be. And yes, that may not be comfortable but if I am to thrive it is necessary for my roots to take hold..It's time..
Wisdom droppings: 1. Those who are wise need to listen..this shouts to me, girl you don't know everything
The end of one and the beginning of another.A door closed and a door opened.An opportunity ✨️
For the most I do my blogging on UrEsteem & MyEvents and I reserve the writing for when I have something to say versus just being a yapper. I hope to leave words out there that offer hope, share the good with the bad to inspire hope. I can't say I left alot of content this year. I have been pulled away from somethings, found somethings and life has shifted a bit. I've been getting these little nuggets of knowledge that hit me in the oddest moments when I actually sit still and listen. They are reminders to slow down, to love where you are and who you are, to get back on track, to stop chasing and let them see you, to watch your heart but most of all to remember that what I asked for and not be surprised by what I see, but most of all to remember my light is a gift not for me but for others.I am not sure which of these nuggets apply to you, but take all you need and rest in them so you too can reset and be ready for what is ahead.
It is crazy what will have you back where your supposed to be, doing what your supposed to be doing...Hope your enjoying my latest pouring 🫗.